Webinar Grain Quality in Tropical Environments

Session Description
Storing grain and oilseeds in tropical weather locations has its challenges due to the difficult conditions of temperature and relative humidity. Using sensors to monitor grain quality and to triggered the use of optimal management practices are great tools to maintain the quality using collected data in real time.
Meet The Speaker

Carlos Campabadal
Kansas State University
Carlos is a faculty member of the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University. An outreach specialist at the International Grains Program Institute (IGP) his work focuses on grain storage, quality and processing, U.S. grain grading and export systems and feed manufacturing. He also leads the Stored Product Protection Research group and is part of the Feed Technology group of the Department of Grain Science and Industry, where he is also serves as the State Extension Leader. He is active in international development with several projects conducted for USAID and USDA in Central America and in Africa. Carlos also is a GEAPS member!