GEAPS Exchange 2023: Evaluating Safety Climate to Manage EHS Risk

Session Description
This session will introduce the concept of safety culture/climate and discuss its potential impact on employee compliance with safety practices. Adherence to safety practices is influenced by employee’s perception of the relative importance the company places on safety versus other priorities such as meeting production goals. A corporate-level priority on safety may be diminished as it makes its way through the organization. This can be due to many factors such as inadequate resourcing, unintended outcomes of incentive programs, supervisor attitudes, and peer influences. Understanding the factors that influence safety culture can allow better risk management of environmental health and safety issues.
Meet The Speaker

Dr. Kevin Moore
Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
Dr. Kevin Moore is an Assistant Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He was introduced to the grain handling industry during graduate school, where he evaluated the pressure exerted by grain on a simulated entrapment victim and investigated the potential to use an “electronic nose” for the detection of mold in stored canola seed. As a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Dr. Moore is engaged in protecting worker health and safety in agriculture and related industries. His research interests include post-harvest processing and storage of crops, respiratory protection, managing heat stress and the influence of safety climate on worker attitudes and behaviors.