Training Opportunities

GEAPS and Purdue Collaborate on Sales, Marketing and Management Courses

Published: May 17, 2021 by Krissy Ohnstad

GEAPS and Purdue Collaborate on Sales, Marketing and Management Courses

The Grain Elevator and Processing Society announces today a new partnership with the Center for Food and Agricultural Business (CAB) at Purdue University to offer discounted sales and marketing training for GEAPS members. The collaboration will give GEAPS members new tools to invest in their management teams.

“Teaming up with Purdue helps us deliver on our mission to share knowledge across the agriculture industry,” said Steve Records, GEAPS Executive Director. “Using the content from Purdue, GEAPS members can empower their teams with new skills and tools to increase the bottom line in both the short and long term. While GEAPS content historically has focused on the technical side of the grain industry, these courses expand our business, sales, and marketing training. They present a tremendous opportunity for cooperatives to build better relationships with farmers and for our Associate members to continue their professional development. to build their businesses.”

GEAPS members will receive a 12 percent discount off the following courses from the Center:

GEAPS members can use the code GEAPSpartner to receive the discount when registering for a course.

“The Center for Food and Agricultural Business is thrilled to partner with GEAPS to bring practical educational opportunities to the grain industry.  Our history of creating educational experiences that draw from cutting edge agribusiness research will combine with GEAPS’ focus on this important part of the agri-food sector,” said Dr. Scott Downey, professor of agricultural economics and director of CAB.  “Together we’ll help GEAPS’ members develop, maintain and strengthen business strategies, financial decision making, sales and marketing initiatives, organizational leadership and more. We’re looking forward to this exciting collaboration.”

GEAPS is committed to providing members with access to subject matters in all avenues of the industry. Purdue’s expertise in agriculture, agriculture engineering and agri-business continues to expand GEAPS’ knowledge base, delivering content and value to GEAPS members. GEAPS memberships are $250 for the first year.

About Center for Food and Agricultural Business

The Center for Food and Agricultural Business supports Purdue University’s mission by helping people in the food and agribusiness industries improve their management competencies to take on the challenges and opportunities of a dynamic and complex agri-food system. We provide innovative and relevant professional development experiences, advanced degree programs and applied research to the industry. We ensure utmost relevance through deep linkages with industry, a world-class faculty, and a professional staff with unmatched research, design, development and delivery capabilities.


The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international professional association of grain handling and processing professionals. GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing networking, professional development programs and access to a global marketplace of industry suppliers. GEAPS’ global network includes more than 2,200 individual members from about 1,050 companies. Join our network today!