Artur Rdzanek

Artur Rdzanek is General Product Manager Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), responsible for the development of cloud-based, Industry 4.0 platform. The platform allows users to easily monitor the health of their equipment so they can operate more safely, track potential issues and proactively schedule maintenance before their system goes down.
He studied automation and robotics at Lodz University of Technology in Poland. After completing his studies, Rdzanek joined ABB Poland in 1999. After gaining further experience in R&D, application engineering, sales support department and project management Rdzanek took over his first P&L position as plant manager in 2004. Four years later, he was in charge of building up a new electrical motor factory in Lodz, Poland. The new factory started the successful production of IEC motors and is still growing.
In 2014, Rdzanek accepted an offer from Dodge Industrial to move to America and take over the global product manager role for taper roller bearing. For more than 140 years,
Dodge Industrial has designed, manufactured, and supplied reliable industrial products
and solutions for a wide range of industries and markets across the globe.