Two Canadian Prairies GEAPS Chapter leaders serve as guests on the this episode of Whole Grain. This is the first of many future episodes that put a spotlight on the great work by GEAPS Chapters.
The Canadian Prairies Chapter consists of over 200 members. Denis Tetrault serves as president of the chapter. Denis is director of sales and marketing at FWS Group of Companies. Ramzy Farrag, who also serves as a guest on the show, is the vice president of the Canadian Prairies chapter. Ramzy is the Build Project manager at Cargill out of Winnipeg, Manitoba in Canada. Deb Most, GEAPS’ member and chapter manager, also joins the show and provides insights on how GEAPS chapters can support you and your team.
Denis and Ramzy share not only how their organization best serves the greater grain handling and processing industry. They also share examples of training and networking events that the chapter plans each and every year, including the GEAPS Canadian Prairies Expo called the “Coolest” Trade Show. It will take place will take place on January 11th & 12th, 2023 at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg.
If you are interested in attending the “Coolest” Show, be sure to sign up and register here. If you prefer to register as a vendor and have a booth, access this link for easy registration. The “Coolest” Trade show is sure to support any grain handling and processing professional with its many education sessions, networking opportunities and access to innovative grain product and service organizations.
The Canadian Prairies chapter also utilizes the international GEAPS training and educational offerings, such as on-demand courses, webinars, the video library, and a host of Whole Grain podcast episodes.
The Canadian Prairies GEAPS Chapter leaders and members also look forward to attending the GEAPS Exchange – the biggest and best show in the industry!
Denis and Ramzy share what they believe are the biggest opportunities and challenges in the industry. And you’ll want to listen on how their chapter supports engagement of all members. The chapter is 100% behind in supporting future grain professionals. The Canadian Prairies chapter is devoted to supporting the industry and future grain professionals as they continue to generate fundraising and networking events in support of Ag in the Classroom.
GEAPS website puts a spotlight on all the great work of the GEAPS chapters. You can gain quick access to the leaders and activities chapters are planning throughout the year. You can easily access information on GEAPS chapters on our website, including the Canadian Prairies Chapter. And for further details on the Canadian Prairies GEAPS chapter, be sure to check out their Canadian Prairies website.