coming soon!

GEAPS’ First South American Event!
Interested in animal feed, milling, and grain processing opportunities in Latin America? Already doing business there? Either way, this episode is for you! Listen as Julia Kloehn, interim executive director of GEAPS, and Sebas van den Ende, general director for VICTAM, share their insights about why you should be at VICTAM LatAM next year.
About the guests:
Julia Kloehn is currently the interim executive director of GEAPS. Before serving in this role, she oversaw GEAPS’ general operations management, team management, technology, finance, human resources, and chapter relations. Julia joined the GEAPS staff team in 2007.
Sebas van den Ende has 20 years of international experience in the event organizing industry with a proven track record in developing and managing exhibitions and conferences. He launched and built a successful event company in Brazil and integrated the company into a new communication group after it was sold to an Italian multinational publisher.
Episode topics:
- What is VICTAM?
- GEAPS and VICTAM partnership
- How to get involved
To find more helpful resources, be sure to visit the GEAPS website and the membership page.
Grain Elevator and Processing Society is the global leader in advancing the grain handling and processing industry. Be sure to visit GEAPS to learn how you can grow your network, support your personal professional development, and advance your career. Thank you for listening to another episode of GEAPS’ Whole Grain.