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Ground Truth Agriculture Inc
662 1st Ave E, Regina, SK S4N 5T6
Phone: (306) 552-7011
Contact: Kyle Folk
Email: info@groundtruth.ag

Larson Engineering Inc
2801 E Enterprise Ave, Ste 200, Appleton, WI 54913
Phone: (920) 734-9867
Contact: Tony Mancheski
Email: tmancheski@larsonengr.com

Arnold Company
2955 Trico Dr, Trenton, IL 62293
Phone: (800) 245-7505
Toll-Free: (800) 245-7505
Contact: Scott Dressler, Director of Sales & Ops
Email: sales@arnoldcompany.com

Dependable Conveyor Systems
5680 Reinhold St, Fair Oaks, CA 95628-2725
Phone: (916) 521-5498
Contact: Steve Hartshorn

Matrix Technologies, Inc.
1760 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, OH 43537
Phone: (419) 897-7200
Contact: Tony Ferguson
Email: arferguson@matrixti.com

AGI Hi Roller
4511 N Northview Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Phone: (605) 332-3200
Toll-Free: (800) 328-1785
Contact: Collin Busse
Email: sales@aggrowth.com

Shocker Composites LLC
4015 W. May St., Wichita, KS 67220
Phone: (732) 614-3732
Contact: Vamisidhar Patlolla