Stand Up For Grain Safety Week

March 27 – 31, 2023
Each year, hundreds of our industry colleagues die while on the job. Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week works to prevent those tragedies.
In its sixth year, Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week is planned and funded by the Alliance, a collaboration of agricultural industry groups. The Alliance, an OSHA Cooperative Program, is comprised of GEAPS, Grain Handling Safety Council and National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA).
The free event begins with a hybrid/virtual event March 27 and continues through March 31. The event, which will be streaming from Ohio, focuses on safety around grain structures and equipment. There will be live safety demonstrations, Stand Up resources, Superhero Stories and more. Themes on the other days of Stand Up week include Powered Industrial Trucks; Preventative Maintenance; Heat and Extreme Weather and Anhydrous Ammonia and Fumigation.
The event has grown considerably since it started six years ago with a few chapter members in Kansas who had strong connections with OSHA Region 7. The intensive week of safety topics focused on safety, not scare tactics. Organizers said they believe a commitment to safety is about more than a pamphlet or rushed training. It is about a culture committing to the value of oneself, coworkers and the worksite.
Be sure to visit the event website for more information, to register or for information on planning your own event
For more information, please visit