GEAPS Releases 2023 Exchange Education Schedule

Paralympian Dan Cnossen to Present Keynote; Strongman Eric Moss Wraps Us Up
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society is pleased to announce a robust education schedule for GEAPS Exchange 2023. GEAPS is looking forward to seeing grain industry professionals in the Heart of America February 25-28, 2023, at Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
We are excited to welcome Kansas native Dan Cnossen as our keynote speaker. Cnossen (ka-na-sen) is a true patriot, a Navy SEAL, a war veteran, a survivor, a Harvard graduate and Paralympian with the medals to prove it! His presentation is sure to inspire and begin Exchange in a wonderful way!
There are four education tracks this year: Maintenance; Employee Development; Safety; and Grain Operations. Attendees may choose to focus on one track or sample them all. The tracks are planned so attendees may participate in all the sessions in one track OR mix and match throughout the four throughout the conference. Learn about all four tracks on our website.
Finally, Exchange will end on a fun note with Strongman Eric Moss. He is sure to empower and astonish as he folds frying pans, breaks cinderblocks and speaks about the power in all of us.
Attendees will be able to learn from industry experts, interact with Innovation Stations, ask questions and truly learn from these sessions. This education lineup was designed to help keep workers safe, improve efficiency and product quality and inspire innovation.
Nate Tostenson, from GEAPS’ Minneapolis chapter serves on the Exchange Educational Programming Committee (EPC). He said he’s excited about everything the team has been working on for attendees.
“Being an Associate member, my goal is for Regular members to walk away from Exchange more educated and with a handful of problem-solving ideas they can bring back to their facilities to increase uptime and decrease downtime,” Tostenson said. “It’s not always about the sale. These Regular members are our friends. We want them to succeed.”
The education schedule includes:
- Keynote Speaker: 8 a.m., Sunday, February 26
- Idea Exchange: 9:45 a.m., Sunday, February 26
- Innovation Stations: Sunday, February 26 through Tuesday, February 28
- Education Sessions: Monday, February 27 and Tuesday, February 28
- Closing Celebration: 2 p.m., Tuesday, February 28
In addition to great education, GEAPS Exchange includes an Expo Hall filled with technology and services to make grain operations safer and more efficient; education on the latest trends and best practices and social events that help reinforce business relationships. Be sure to watch our website as information will be added regularly.
The full conference is $395 USD for GEAPS members and international attendees who register by February 2. Non-members pay $625 USD. Prices increase February 3. Register online at
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international professional association of grain handling and processing professionals. GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing networking, professional development programs and access to a global marketplace of industry suppliers. GEAPS’ global network includes nearly 3,000 individual members from more than 1,100 companies. Join our network today!

Jessica Waltzer
Communications Manager