GEAPS Member Benefits
Becoming a GEAPS Member only take a few moments and a few dollars—but oh does that investment pay off! As a GEAPS member, you will quickly realize being a part of this association will not help improve your career; it will benefit your employer, too.
Expand your network.
You will have exclusive access to the online member directory to find other grain professionals who can share practical advice. You’ll have access to the Online Buyers’ Guide and will receive the printed Member Directory and Buyers’ Guide annually. Meet colleagues in your area by attending local chapter meetings and events to connect to colleagues. Travel for work? You’re always invited to GEAPS chapter events no matter where you are.
Build your skills.
GEAPS members are able to take advantage of significant discount on Training and Education programs. Online training and credential programs can help new employees learn the industry and sharpen the skills of experienced managers. You can also access exclusive members-only information on the GEAPS website that addresses specific operational and business management topics.
Grow your business.
Associate members who represent a business or organization save money while bringing their products and services to the people and companies who need them! GEAPS members can purchase discounted booths at GEAPS Exchange, the biggest and best show in the grain industry! Many Associate members also participate in local chapter events to meet future customers in the industry.
Save your company money.
All GEAPS members receive discounts on Exchange registration, education courses and the Safety Awards Program. GEAPS members attend the Expo at GEAPS Exchange for free!
Find services and solutions in your area.
Meet grain industry professionals and suppliers from your region at chapter meetings and other regional events. When a problem arises, GEAPS members have someone to call. Considering a big purchase? Talk to another GEAPS member who already did what you’re considering.
Enhance your career.
GEAPS offers free membership and special opportunities to full-time, post-secondary students studying for a career in the grain, feed, milling or processing industries. It’s an opportunity to set yourself apart from your peers by learning more about the industry and making valuable connections. Multiple members of GEAPS Board of Directors started out as Student Members!
These are a few of the benefits you will receive by becoming a member.
See how far the GEAPS advantage can take you!