Any GEAPS member (Regular, Associate, Affiliate or Lifetime) who has been a member for at least five of the preceding 10 years and have consistently demonstrated volunteer leadership qualities that epitomize GEAPS’ core values of excellence and innovation in operations safety, stored-grain quality preservation, health, efficiency and environmental responsibility.

Recognize Grain Industry Leaders With Awards
Every year, GEAPS presents awards to leaders in the grain industry. Through the Industry Leader and Member of Distinction awards, GEAPS recognizes members and non-members who made significant contributions to the grain industry.
If you know someone who should be recognized for their notably outstanding service to GEAPS or the industry, nominate them by December 31. Winners will be recognized at GEAPS Exchange 2024 in Kansas City.
Member of Distinction Award
GEAPS members represent the best of the grain industry. Coming from across North America and around the globe, those who join GEAPS demonstrate a commitment to our industry, their careers and the greater good. The Member of Distinction award recognizes those who truly rise above even that expectation. GEAPS Board of Directors bestows the honor of Member of Distinction to members who have not only demonstrated a commitment to the industry and helping GEAPS fulfill its mission and vision—they have looked beyond what is and imagined what could be. These individuals have stretched our collective imaginations to improve the grain industry. They have shared their valuable time, talents and enthusiasm to expand our reach, recruit new members, make our industry safer or more efficient—or perhaps they did something we never imagined possible! Members of Distinction help GEAPS champion, connect and serve the global grain industry and its members.
Industry Leader Award
GEAPS’ Industry Leader Award shines a light on individuals who have significantly improved the state of our industry. This award is given to those who work to keep us safe on the job, to people who innovate and develop paths to efficiency, energy savings, quality control and to those who stand up for the benefit of all of us. Recognizing one does not need to be a part of GEAPS to improve our industry, the Industry Leader Award is open to anyone, regardless of membership status.
Anyone – GEAPS member or not – who has provided extraordinary contributions to the grain industry through the advancement of operations safety, stored-grain quality preservation, health, efficiency and environmental responsibility.
Corbett Award
The Corbett Award, bestowed to Associate members through 2022, was named in honor of Lifetime member John Corbett, Kansas City Chapter. GEAPS Board of Directors bestows the Corbett Awards to recognize Associate members who have demonstrated extraordinary volunteer leadership on behalf of all Associate members in the pursuit of GEAPS’ mission and achievement of its general objectives. We will continue to honor and appreciate the great work of our Associate members. As always, all members—including Associate members—are eligible for GEAPS’ Member of Distinction Award.
GEAPS Awards
Nomination form for Member of Distinction and Industry Leader awardsTips on writing a nomination
Your submission will form the basis for the award presentation if the nominee is selected. Please use specific examples to illustrate how your nominee meets the award criteria.
- Show how they have:
- Shown ongoing initiative, leadership and dedication
- Devoted themselves to sustained service
- Earned the respect of their peers and became a role model
A compelling nomination should also describe as vividly and precisely as possible the difference your nominee’s contribution has made and show why it has been important.
- Include details such as:
- How were things before the achievement
- The scale of the achievement and whether it is completed or ongoing
- What made this an outstanding achievement – indicate any extraordinary circumstances or challenges the nominee faced
- What makes your nominee different from others doing the same thing
Member of Distinction and Industry Leader candidate nominations must be endorsed by a GEAPS Board member. Fill out the form to nominate someone for these awards. If you have any questions about the Member of Distinction, contact Julia Kloehn.