Delivery Format

Five groups of six participants will rotate through the hands-on equipment modules for three days. The maximum program capacity is 30 students.

GroupsTuesday AMTuesday PMWednesday  AMWednesday PMThursday AM

Online Modules (Prior to training)

Online ModulesOpen

  • Safety**
  • Lubrication Part 1**
  • Preventative Maintenance Program

**  Safety will be emphasized throughout the entire course and in each individual module. Lubrication Part 2 will be incorporated into each module so instructors can demonstrate proper lubrication techniques on each specific piece of equipment.

On-site Modules

1st Floor Hal Ross MillModule 1: DistributorsOpen


  • Electric distributor (54” diameter)
  • Swing set distributor (84” x 40”)
  • Manual distributor (54” diameter)

Learning Objectives:

  • Install, operate and inspect distributors
  • Troubleshoot and maintain distributors
  • Apply and perform best safety practices and procedures on distributors

2nd Floor Hal Ross MillModule 2: Screw Conveyors and Bin Sweeps Open


  • Two screw conveyors (15’ x 12”)
  • One bin sweep (15’ long)

Learning Objectives:

  • Install, operate and inspect screw conveyors and bin sweeps
    • Learn how a screw conveyor should be installed in its case.
    • Identify where grain should be dropped when loading into a screw conveyor.
    • Determine the correct size drive motor for the load (tripping, excessive wear in the drive shaft, pulley, etc).
    • Recognize excessive wear in the screw (damage on the shaft, damage of the flights, holes in the case, etc).
  • Troubleshoot and maintain screw conveyors
    • Recognize and repair common problems; determine how they occur and what caused them (mechanical or electrical failure).
    • Learn how to change a belt, pulleys, motor, shaft, etc. (this section will work with any drive).
    • Perform maintenance on the bearings including hangar or greaseless (lubrication, leveling with the shaft to reduce wear, how to change a bearing, etc).
    • Lining of the screw housing to patch any possible holes on the screw housing.
  • Apply and perform best safety practices and procedures on screw conveyors and bin sweeps
    • Identify common safety concerns and discuss OSHA standards
    • Study electricity issues such as the causes of overloads in motors and power failure problems
    • Learn to operate and troubleshoot hazard monitoring equipment. For example plug switches, speed sensors, bearing sensors; Lock-out, Tag-out procedures, etc).
    • Learn how to prevent grain dust explosions in screw conveyors

3rd Floor Hal Ross MillModule 3: Chain (Drag) Conveyors Open


  • Chain conveyor (20’ x 20”)
  • Incline conveyor (23’ x 20”)

Learning Objectives:

  • Install, operate and inspect chain conveyors:
    • Learn how a chain conveyor should be installed and inspected (chain alignment, interlock between them, check if the paddle is properly working, etc).
    • Identify where grain should be dropped when loading into a chain conveyor.
    • Determine the correct size drive motor for the load (tripping, excessive wear in the drive shaft, pulley, etc).
    • Recognize excessive wear in the chain if they have loss strength.
    • Learn how to minimize carry-over of product.
    • Learn the different paddle materials for a chain conveyor.
    • Perform an inspection on the return rail of the chain.
  • Troubleshoot and maintain chain conveyors:
    • Identify common problems and how to repair them, such as changing the chain, drag, sprockets, drive belt, pulleys, motor, drive shaft, etc..
    • Learn how to perform maintenance on the bearings including hangar or greaseless (lubrication, leveling with the shaft to reduce wear, how to change a bearing, etc).
    • Learn how to clean the interior of chain conveyors.
    • Determine if problems are caused by mechanical or electrical failure.
  • Apply and perform best safety practices and procedures on chain conveyors:
    • Learn to identify common safety concerns, including how to prevent grain dust explosions.

5th Floor Hal Ross MillModule 4: Belt Conveyors Open


  • Open belt conveyor (30’ x 30”)
  • Enclosed belt conveyor (30’ x 30”)

Learning Objectives:

  • Install, operate and inspect belt conveyors
    • Learn how a belt conveyor should be installed and inspected (belt alignment, sensors, etc).
    • Identify where grain should be dropped when loading into a belt conveyor.
    • Determine the correct size drive motor for the load (tripping, excessive wear in the drive shaft, pulley, etc).
    • Recognize excessive wear on the belt if they have loss strength.
    • Learn how to minimize carry-over of product.
    • Learn the importance of a vulcanized belt and mechanical splice.
  • Troubleshoot and maintain belt conveyors:
    • Identify common problems and how to repair them, such as belt slippages, splicing and seized idlers.
    • Learn how to change the drive belt, pulleys, motor, drive shaft, etc.
    • Learn how to perform maintenance on the bearings including hangar or greaseless (lubrication, leveling with the shaft to reduce wear, how to change a bearing, etc).
    • Determine if problems are caused by mechanical or electrical failure.
    • Learn how to track a belt.
    • Learn how to check and maintain the lagging (inspection)
  • Apply and perform best safety practices and procedures on belt conveyors:
    • Learn to identify common safety concerns, including how to prevent grain dust explosions.

Outside Hal Ross Mill Module 5: Bucket Elevators Open


  • Height between 20’-25’

Learning Objectives:

  • Install, operate and inspect bucket elevators
    • Inspect bucket elevators for uneven loading
    • Learn how to install belts in the elevator and buckets in the belt, including knowing the correct distance; different buckets and bolt types; and correcting loose buckets
    • Recognize proper tension and cover orientation on the grain movement side
    • Learn to splice a belts and to determine if grain inlets and outlets are working properly
    • Learn how to inspect the condition of legging
    • Learn how to install a self-cleaning system (liner) in the boot section and to control tramp metal in the head or boot section.
  • Troubleshoot and maintain bucket elevators:
    • Learn how to change the motor belt, pulleys, motor, gearbox, couplings and drive shaft. Also, learn how to protect them from rain and snow.
    • Perform maintenance on the bearings (lubrication, leveling with the shaft (shims) to reduce wear function of the tracking, how to change or properly install a bearing, etc).
    • Learn how to clean the boot of an elevator.
    • Learn how to do shimming on the head pulley.
    • Troubleshooting in operations of bucket elevators to understand how problems occur and if they are cause by mechanical or electrical failure.
  • Apply and perform best safety practices and procedures on bucket elevators.
    • Learn how to deal with tramp metal inside bucket elevators.
    • Learn how to prevent grain dust explosions by monitor safety hazards that include bearing temperature monitoring, motion detection devices, belt misalignment sensors, exhaust points, tight casings, ventilation systems, explosion suppression systems, etc.
    • Learn the importance of installation of suitable stairways and platforms (20 ft offset) for inspection and maintenance.

Conveyor Training Hands on Schedule Here

Day 1

8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Meet at IGP Lecture RoomOpen

Go through introductions and orientation

8:30 – 9:15 a.m.Review Safety components and expectations of the HOT Program Open

Review Safety components and expectations of the HOT Program

9:30 a.m.First Sessions BeginOpen

First sessions begin

11:00-11:15 a.m.BreakOpen

12:30 p.m.LunchOpen

1:30 p.m.Second Sessions Begin Open

Second sessions begin

3:00-3:15 p.m.BreakOpen

4:30 p.m.End of Training Sessions For The DayOpen

Day 2

8:00-8:15 a.m.AnnouncementsOpen


9:30 a.m.First Session BeginsOpen

11:00-11:15 a.m.BreakOpen

12:30 p.m.LunchOpen

1:30 p.m.Second Sessions Begin Open

11:00-11:15 a.m.BreakOpen


1:30 p.m.Second Sessions BeginOpen

3:00-3:15 p.m.BreakOpen

4:30 p.m.End of Training Sessions for the DayOpen

Day 3

8:00-8:15 a.m.AnnouncementOpen

8:30 a.m.First Sessions Begin Open

10:00-10:15 a.m.BreakOpen

11:30 p.m.End of Training SessionOpen

11:30-12:30 p.m. Lunch and Wrap-up Open

(evals, testimonials, etc.)