One of the most important jobs of a chapter leader is ensuring their successors! Here are a few things to consider as you look to fill your chapter leader funnel.
- Identify the most involved and interested people in your chapter.
- Timing is important. Recruit enthusiastic members for leadership positions within the chapter.
- Look to those who consistently attend meetings.
- Look to your board of directors for future chapter officers.
- Give new members responsibility. Rotation is important; “new blood” brings energy into the chapter.
- Integrate new members into committees and work them up through the leadership structure of the chapter.
- Make sure you know how many leaders your bylaws require and that there are never more Associate and Affiliate members than there are Regular members.
- Sell chapter leadership as an opportunity to build leadership skills and grow professionally.
- Help prospective leaders to know running your chapter is a group effort – no one person is responsible for getting things done and GEAPS staff can help in many ways!
- Ask. Opportunities are often lost just because someone didn’t ask.