What is a GEAPS chapter?
A GEAPS chapter is a local group of GEAPS members that works to provide you with networking and educational opportunities. Chapters let you connect with local colleagues and build relationships that can last your entire career. Members often talk about the critical business relationships and lifelong friendships they have formed through their local chapter.
Find Your Chapter
At GEAPS, your chapter is your “home team,” your local network of grain industry professionals who you can learn with, count on and have some fun in the process!

What are the benefits of being part of a chapter?
Getting involved in a GEAPS Chapter is a great way to grow your professional network. You get to meet fellow grain handling and processing professionals in your area, grow your overall industry knowledge and build on your leadership skills. Chapters also help you improve your job skills by providing a local forum for grain handling and processing industry education, information and interaction.
Joining a local chapter is the best way to truly experience GEAPS collaborative spirit and forge lifelong relationships.

Chapter Resource Center
Chapter leaders are never alone. Your home team is there to assist you with reporting, meeting planning, publicity, speakers and—of course—paperwork! You always have the support of the GEAPS organization.