What Do Chapter Leaders Actually Do?
Job descriptions of GEAPS chapter officers and leaders can vary from chapter to chapter. The size of a chapter’s leadership team and the titles of those in it may also differ. Below you’ll find sample officer and director duties representing best practices for chapter management.
- Prepares board meeting agendas
- Presides at meetings
- Appoints committees/task forces
- “Controls the room”– gets members to engage, manages conflict, etc.
- Acts as chapter spokesperson
- Delivers a president’s annual report at the annual meeting
- Fulfills president’s duties if president is not available
- Often chairs the programming committee
- Works with secretary on program communications and promotion
- Trains for president’s position
- Manages chapter communications and marketing and/or coordinates with GEAPS on these items
- Receives member roster (monthly) and new member info (upon receipt) from GEAPS
- Responsible for GEAPS reporting
- Meeting reports (due 30 days after meeting is held)
- Annual Meeting schedule (due Sept. 1)
- Election results (due June 1)
- Serves as the chapter’s banking contact – receives bank statements
- Receives and disperses funds
- Keeps record of all receipts, deposits and disbursements
- Balances the checkbook monthly
- Completes GEAPS Financial Report Form (due Aug. 1) annually
- Delivers a treasurer’s report at the annual meeting
- BOARD OF DIRECTORS (all officers and directors together)
- Sets the chapter’s strategic direction
- Approves the operational plan
- Ensures necessary resources
- Approves the budget
- Determines adequate volunteer resources and delegates work (does the chapter need a committee or task force to get work done?)
- Ensures leadership succession
- Provides oversight
- Oversees finances
- Minimizes exposure to risk
- Monitors chapter programs and activities